Car Park Control – Bollards & Barriers

Car Park Control

Control of carpark access can be both important and lucrative for owners or those leasing premises with carparking space. Hotels and visitor attractions can also benefit from being able to prioritize access to parking space.

Factories often have barriers or bollards to restrict traffic flow during working hours with the addition of an automatic gate for out of hours security.

There are many options and combinations available to those thinking about using barriers or bollards. Parkthorn Gates can assist at the planning stage to highlight what is available and how to co-ordinate systems for traffic flow, traffic restriction or access.

Systems can be linked to a variety of access control systems and computer monitoring. With such systems, incorporating traffic lights is perfectly possible along with the likes of induction loops to detect vehicles, timers for out of hours restrictions and coin or token operated payments.

The 2 adjacent tabs give information on barriers and bollards, but feel free to contact Parkthorn if you want to discuss the possibilities of any combination of the above.

Barrier combined with retractable bollards and traffic lights as part of overall security system


Barriers are probably the type of automated access that most people are familiar with as they pay to park their car in a variety of controlled locations.

Barriers come in a variety of designs and sizes and have been supplied to developers, councils and car park operators. They can cover a large road width and can be supplied with extras such as skirts, operating warning lights and stainless cabinets for corrosive environments.

They can easily be incorporated into pay-to-park systems or become part of your integrated total entry control system. Systems range from remote key fob entry, through coin operated exit to fully automated multiple entry, pay station systems.

Parkthorn Gates can supply and maintain all of the above systems as per your requirements and are happy to enter into discussions for any development needs you might have. If you require a survey or want to discuss any other aspect of barrier automation, please call.

Rising Barrier Used to Restrict Carpark Access

Retractable Bollards

Retractable bollards are often used in industrial or commercial premises as they add a great deal of security to an entrance and can contribute to reduced insurance premiums. An installation of 3 bollards has been shown to resist an impact of 7 tons at 30 mph! Certain types of bollard have an operational expectancy of 4.5 million cycles with little or no operational maintenance.

Pneumatically or hydraulically operated, retractable bollards usually require to be installed at the build stage of a development. This is because services need to be run under the roadway as well as a foundation installed for the bollard itself. For this reason, Parkthorn Gates would require to be involved at an early stage in any development to schedule works in accordingly. However, installations can be undertaken if part of a car park, roadway or pavement can be resurfaced.

Bollards are sometimes incorporated with access barriers or gates to secure premises that have controlled access during working hours. They can be supplied in a variety of designs and materials. Stainless steel can be supplied for corrosive environments as can foundation cases that integrate with standard size monobloc.

If you require a survey or want to discuss any other aspect of automatic bollards, please call.

Retractable Road Bollards